The overall weight and swingweight has often been overlooked in putting. The ideal swingweight is somewhere between C8 an D8. This is a big factor in distance control as the swingweight is a determination between the weight of the putter and the length of the putter. Too light and it is hard to maintain a smooth backstroke, follow through and distance control. Too heavy and it is very difficult to get any kind of distance control especially on long putts but could be very accurate on some short putts. It is important when fitting putters that the length and swingweight remain in proper balance. The shorter the putter the lighter the swingweight and the longer the putter the heavier the swingweight. A scale is used to measure this relationship. Pictured below is a typical type scale. Many heads on putters are too light and the scale is used to determine if it is too light or too heavy for the putter length. Weight can be changed by adding weight to the putter head, changing length, changing putter grips or counterbalancing the putter. The putter weight relationship is very important to maintaining a smooth steady stroke and effects distance control on longer putts.
The head weight of putters vary and the shorter the putter the heavier the head. The trends to a shorter putter requires heavier weighted heads and also the trend to counterbalanced putters requires heavier putter heads. When fitting putters determination has to made as to what type of weight will benefit the golfer. Heavier putters slow down the player if they have a quick or jerky stroke. In contrast those with a smoother stroke benefit from a lighter putter as the distance control is improved. It is always a trade off to determine what is best for the player. Spending some time analyzing to determine your strengths and weaknesses in putting whether it is short putting or distance putting will help in determining the proper weight putter to use. Again the putter weight balance is important in maintaining a consistent stroke.
Johnny Goodman